Saturday, November 12, 2011


 A great human being recently passed away - Frank Kameny, who was one of this country's leading gay rights activists and if he didn't invent the phrase - GAY IS GOOD - he personified
what it meant.  He led the battle to strike down the federal government's policy of dismissing any and all openly gay men and women and was a key strategist in the gay rights movement long before the Stonewall riots in NYC in 1969. 
  The Washington Blade, an excellent local weekly newspaper, published an lengthy account of
Kameny's life and accomplishments in moving forward the gay rights' movement.  In the same issue, there was an announcement that Ann Coulter, the darling of the conservative right wing of the Republican Party, was going to appear in an upcoming episode of the Logo TV cable network's
"A-List: Dallas" series along with Jimmy LaSalvia, the executive director of GOProud.
  I've never heard of GOProud, but I am guessing that it is similar to the Log Cabin organization which is comprised of gay conservative Republicans who claim to be moderate on social issues but extremely conservative on fiscal matters as they relate to federal and state governments.
  Frankly, I don't know how any conscientious homosexual could belong to such a group.  I'd like to think that Frank Kameny would feel the same way.  I don't understand how gay men and women can vote for Republican party candidates and claim to be strong advocates for equal rights for all minority groups - of which gays are one - in this country.  It seems to me that like many of my wealthy Jewish friends and even a few of my well off Afro-American acquaintances,
they have forgotten their roots and the long and difficult struggle to achieve equality in racist America and vote instead to maintain their 401ks and stock investments.
  In truth, most couldn't care less about issues that impact on the clear majority of Americans
who are just getting by financially, most likely living from paycheck to paycheck, if, indeed, they are fortunate to have jobs.  I don't know about you, but very few of my friends subscribe to and read daily the Wall Street Journal. 
  Stock investments.  Are you fucking serious?  Give me a break.
  Like many other liberal Democrats, I have been deeply disappointed in Barak Obama, although the problems he inherited from that prick he succeeded in the White House, have no easy solutions.  At the same time, the total lack of cooperation in the House and U.S. Senate by Republican members has made it virtually impossible for him to confront and resolve those issues before us. 
  Still, I'd vote for Donald Duck before pulling the lever for any of the current Republican candidates.  The most intelligent one - John Huntsman - stands the least chance of gaining the nomination to run against Obama.  Every other Republican candidate
opposes gay marriage.  And every single one of these assholes chose to remain silent when at a recent debate a gay soldier asked if they would support the repeal of the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy.  Not one of them stood up for this serviceman when he was booed by the mostly conservative Tea Party audience. 
  Which brings me back to the Log Cabin political group, GOProud and that bitch, Ann Coulter
appearing on Logo's "A-List: Dallas" series.
  I must admit to an aversion to the series, not being able to watch "A-List: New York" for more than 10 minutes before hitting my tv remote.  The queers on this show are mostly narcissistic,
inarticulate, self-absorbed and shallow.
  Come to think of it, the whole damn bunch of them, including Ms. Coulter, deserve each other.
  That's the way I see it.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


  It was announced today that film director Bret Ratner and comedian Eddie Murphy would not
produce and host the Oscar telecast next February.  Ratner 'resigned' after angering hundreds of Academy members for making homophobic comments earlier this week on the Howard Stern radio show and boasting about all the hot Hollywood babes that he has fucked in recent times,
the size of his pecker and not using condoms when having sex.
  Murphy, who stars in Ratner's latest film, TOWER HEIST, bowed out as host soon after Ratner
made his announcement.  Meanwhile, the Academy hierarchy is freaking out because a new producer and host must now be found so rehearsals can begin prior to the Oscar telecast next
  Next February???  Isn't that nearly 4 months from now.  And aren't most of the jokes and script written AFTER the nominations are announced in January.  So I have to ask...what's the
problem here? 
  As far as Ratner and Murphy are concerned - good riddance.  Ratner's background includes making music videos and directing a couple of the RUSH HOUR comedies and one of the X-MEN movies.  His bio says he attended school in Israel before graduating from Miami Beach High School in Florida and NYU in 1990.  Judging by some of the comments he made while being interviewed by Stern, he sounds like a class A asshole.   It seems to  me that the Academy must have been desperate to find someone to co-produce the next Oscars telecast
because there is nothing - I mean nothing - in Ratner's background to suggest that he would in fact produce a dynamite show next February.
  As for Murphy, I would have been willing to betcha a crisp hundred dollar bill that he would suck big time as host and probably offend more than a few viewing the show live and on tv.
Murphy can still be funny - as long as he has a funny script - and he has done some fine work in some dramatic roles, but the Academy made a big mistake in turning to him to host the annual telecast which he was probably doing because Ratner had been signed to co-produce and direct the show. 
  In truth, short of having hot guys and gals galloping up and down the theatre aisles and running across stage butt naked, there isn't a lot to be done to make the Oscars exciting and worth wasting 3 hours over. 
  Most of the bigger than life movie stars are dead - Bette Davis, Joan Crawford, Audrey Hepburn, Cary Grant, Paul Newman, Elizabeth Taylor, James Stewart, Natalie Wood and
Richard Burton.  Back when I was a kid and counting the days in breathless excitement anticipating the Oscar telecast, it was the one night of the year that you saw all the cinema greats live on tv. 
  Nowadays, the Oscar telecast is anticlimatic, what with a myriad of awards shows (Screen Actors Guild, People's Choice, Director's Guild, etc., etc., etc.,) that begin in early December and culminate in late February wiith the Oscars when you pretty much know who's going to win the major acting awards.
  All the same, millions still tune in and many of us have written blogs putting in our 10 cents worth of advice on how to make the telecast fun to watch.
  I'll offer only one suggestion here and it's a no brainer at that:  beg Billy Crystal to return as m.c. and if he won't do it, ask Neal Patrick Harris.  Better yet, ask both off them to co-host the show.
  For what it's worth, I'm betting on Steven Spielberg's Xmas release, WAR HORSE, the film adaptation of the Tony award winning play still playing to sold out audiences on Broadway, to
take the Oscar for best film this year.
  You heard it first here.