Tuesday, January 24, 2012


  Well, the Oscar nominations are out and there are very few surprises.  As I mentioned in my last rant, there are several good films in the mix and several not-so-good.
  In the latter category, there is Terrence Malick's TREE OF LIFE, which I designated as the
worst film of 2011.  Pretentious, silly, self-important and boring, Academy members who voted for it must have seen a different movie than I did.  I haven't seen EXTREMELY LOUD AND INCREDIBLY CLOSE but on the basis  of several reviews I've read by critics I respect, I don't plan to and its inclusion - along with TREE OF LIFE - on the list of 9 films nominated for the best film Oscar indicates that the majority of the Academy's voting membership are a bunch of old farts.
  How else to explain members voting in MIDNIGHT IN PARIS over the far more original and entertaining BRIDESMAIDS?  Granted, Woody Allen is an Academy favorite, but MIDNIGHT IN PARIS, Allen's most successful film, is pure fluff.  The only thing I remember about it is the
gorgeous Paris location.  Meanwhile, nearly half a year later, I am still laughing over some of the
hysterical moments in BRIDESMAIDS. 
  And what about HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS Part 2?  Ignored and overlooked because it is a sequel of sorts?  I was late in coming on board the Potter train, but the final chapter in the wildly successful series was terrific, almost GREAT, a word I wouldn't dare use in describing any of the 9 nominated movies this year.
  Every year or so there is the "Word of Mouth" nomination and this year there are two:  Demian Bichir, the wonderful Mexican actor for his performance in A BETTER LIFE and
'The Almost Meryl Streep' (Glen Close) for ALBERT NOBBS, 2 films that I contend only 10
members of the Academy have actually seen.  But they spread the word that these performances were Oscar worthy and here they are.
  Poor Leo DiCaprio.
  Of all the nominations, only one (besides the inclusion of EXTREMELY...) annoys me and that
is for best original score.  I saw WAR HORSE (twice in fact) and enjoyed it.  But John Williams'
score nearly ruined it for me.  Overbearing and way too much of it and here it is up for an Oscar.
  It's too early to make any predictions right now.  At the moment THE ARTIST is a clear favorite but never underestimate the influence of the 'old fart' element of the Academy membership.  But don't expect Woody to show up to pick up his Oscar.


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