Friday, April 13, 2012


  Poor Hilary Rosen!  A Democratic activist and CNN commentator said that Ann Romney - whose husband Mitt, the fav to win the Republican presidential nomination , and who has 'appointed' his wife as his spokesperson on women's rights - "has actually never worked a day in her life."
  What she really meant to say is that Romney, who stayed home to raise 5 sons, has never worked OUTSIDE the home.  And this is true.  To call Ann Romney a typical stay at home housewife is to suggest that she spent most of her days dusting and vacuuming the floors in her several mansions and cooking macaroni and cheese in the kitchen for her 5 sons and dutiful husband. 
  If you believe this to be true, then I have some beach front property in Las Vegas that I would like to show you this weekend, available at a cut rate price.
  I have sympathy for Ann Romney.  She has survived Cancer and has been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis,
but unlike thousands of other women who have suffered the same setbacks, Ms. Romney undoubtedly had the care of the best specialists in their fields and could well afford to pay their high fees for services rendered.
She didn't have to worry about how she would get to the doctor's offices or to the hospital for treatment as so many other victims have had to do, because she could drive one of her 2 cadillacs to get there or have one of her husband's staff drive her there.  And she didn't have to worry about how much gas was costing  either.
  The point is Ms. Romney's life experience could never be called 'normal'.  It has been privileged in every sense of the word.
  Imagine, if you will, the average every day work at home mother, trying to raise 5 sons in your average 3-bedroom 2,000 sq. ft. home, putting enough food on the kitchen table and making sure her boys stayed out of trouble attending the public schools in their community (Question:  Did the Romney boys attend public or private schools?  Just curious.)
  There has been nothing 'average' about Ms. Romney's lifestyle.  Privileged?  Absolutely.  Average? Not by a long shot. 
  Republicans and even our President have come running to defend the honor of Ms. Romney.  Rosen's
comments were wrong, Obama has said.  And he added that family should be "off limits".
  Wrong!.  When presidential hopeful (God forbid) Mitt Romney put a microphone in his wife's hands and made her a spokesperson for women's rights (or rights as far as Republicans see them), she becomes 'on limits' and fodder for the media covering the presidential race. 
  You woulda thought Hilary Rosen had called Romney a 'bitch' and worse, a lesbian, what with all the criticism leveled against her by Republican party spokesmen.  Rosen is, in fact, a lesbian and a single parent to an adopted child.
  And if you can believe it, the Catholic League has issued a statement critical of this lesbian who had the unmitigated nerve to adopt and raise someone else's unwanted child.  Give me a fucking break!
  Meanwhile, Rep. Allen West (R-Fla) was quoted just this week as saying "I believe there is (sic) about 78 to 81 members of the Democratic Party that are members of the Communist Party."  "It's called the Congressional Progressive Caucus."
  Jesus!  I had no idea!
  One would think that responsible Republican leaders, including presidential candidates Mitt Romney and that fat fuck Newt Gingrich would issue statements criticizing West's ludicrous comments.  To date, no one has, but they have jumped all over Ms. Rosen for her poorly chosen words that when examined closely, were more closer to the truth than not.
  How does someone like Allen West - obviously a moron and solidly supported by Tea Party members in his district - get a pass for saying what he did about Democratic Congressmen, while Hilary Rosen is raked to the coals and will probably be pushed under the bus by the powers behind the Democratic Party?
  Why hasn't President Obama issued a forceful statement criticizing West for his ridiculous comments on the one hand and tried to explain in better terms what Ms. Rosen was trying to say about Ann Romney  on the other?
   Answer?  Easy.   He doesn't want to offend any potential voters in a state he clearly needs to win in November. 
   Obama has once again disappointed me.  I'll vote for him this November even though I'm pissed at him for not attending the opening game at Nationals' Park yesterday to throw out the ceremonial first ball to open the baseball season here and angry at him for not coming to the aid of Ms. Rosen.  I will do so without any degree of enthusiasm, only because the thought of a Republican president with a Republican majority in Congress scares the shit out of me!
  Have a nice day people. 

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