Sunday, January 2, 2011


  To be fair, I am listing 5 films that I didn't see but most likely would have been contenders for my top 10 list had I viewed them.  They are:
  ANIMAL KINGDOM - from Australia, about a family of thugs led by a demonic momma.  By the time I got around to seeing it, it was gone.
  TOY STORY 3 - I saw about 15 minutes of it at a multiplex while I was waiting to see the worst movie of the year (see list below).  What I did see was entertaining and sweet.  Maybe I'll watch it on cable this year.

  THE TOWN - another film about a group of thieves starring and directed by underrated talent Ben Affleck.  I just couldn't get it up to see it at the time it was playing around.
  LAST TRAIN HOME - from China a docudrama about a young couple travelling a great distance to visit their family in 'alledrerden'.
  TINY FURNITURE - about a recent college graduate who moves in with her mother and sister while searching for a job and love and (apparently) finding neither.  A little gem I'm told.

  And the worst movies of the year are:  (seen or sight unseen)

  HOW DO YOU KNOW - a romantic comedy from James Brooks who hasn't made a really good film since Terms of Endearment.  This one I've read is neither funny or romantic.  Too bad.  I like both Reese Witherspoon and Paul Rudd.
  BOOK OF ELI - I caught up with this piece of dreck on cable.  Mad Max Denzel ain't and the story is sooooooooooooooo predictable.
  LITTLE FOCKERS - mind you, I hated the original (Meet the Parents) so I can only imagine how I would have reacted if I had sat thru this shit.  Robert DeNiro, Blythe Danner, Ben Stiller, Dustin Hoffman and Barbara Streisand should be ashamed of themselves.  What?  They don't have enough gelt as it is?  They needed another big paycheck?  Babs:  go make YENTL - 30 YEARS LATER.  Anything but shit like this.
  BURLESQUE - giving new meaning to the term 'derivative', it features Cher in her first film in several years and Christina Aguilera in her first (and possibly last) movie role.  It's hard to watch Cher who has only one facial expression due to the several facelists she has had.  Christina can sing and dance but she can't act.  She's awful everytime she opens her mouth to speak some of the worst dialogue ever written for a movie.  A shonda.  Give me SHOWGIRLS anytime over this dreck.

  THE TOURIST - let's hear it for those journalists from Bosnia-Herzegovina, Azerbaijan, Malta, Lithuania and Kazakhstan who nominated it for 3 Golden Globe awards:  best comedy or musical (it's neither), best actor (Johnny Depp) and best actress (Angelina Jolie).  I'm told ants have more chemistry than Depp and Jolie in this film.
  And the worst movie of 2010 was:
  SEX AND THE CITY 2 - The girls should be ashamed for making this embarrassment.  They should have flushed the script down the toilet and demanded a rewrite before agreeing to make this abominable sequel to the endearing original.
  Next up we'll talk about the upcoming Oscar noms, my picks and favs.  Meanwhile, talk amongst yourselves and Happy New Year Everyone.  God bless us all.

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