Saturday, January 1, 2011


  You asked for it (NOT), but I'm gonna give it to ya anyway, my 10 fav films o 2010 and here they are:
  THE SOCIAL NETWORK - Who woulda thunk a movie about the creation of Facebook would be so fascinating, but it is and Aaron Sorkin deserves kudoos for his brilliant screenplay, David Fincher deserves the Oscar nomination he will get for directing such a terrific ensemble cast, including Oscar to be nominee Jesse Eisenberg and maybe even Justin Timberlake.  This is the best film of 2010.
  I AM LOVE - my personal favorite film of the year with a beautifully nuanced  performance by one of my fav actresses, Tilda Swinton.  A feast for the eyes, great art direction, yummy looking food, beautiful music and one of the hottest looking (male) butts I've ever seen on the screen belonging to actor Edcardo Gabbriellini, who plays Swinton's young chef lover (to die for).
  THE GHOST WRITER - a masterpiece directed by Roman Polanski with an Oscar worthy performance by Pierce Brosnan (more than making up for his embarrassing job in Momma Mia),
this was a gripping conspiracy thriller that held my attention (not easy to do) from beginning to end.  Also featuring a terrific  performance by Ewen Mcregor (who was also terrific in I LOVE YOU PHILIP MORRIS).
  LEBANON - about the Israeli 'invasion' of Lebanon in 1982 and set entirely within a tank manned by 4 inexperienced soldiers; powerful and memorable.
  WINTER'S BONE - a sort of coming-of-age story with a mesmerizing and Oscar worthy performance by newcomer Jennifer Lawrence.  Bleak,  desolate and riveting, rent it when it becomes available on DVD.
  BLACK SWAN - the anti TURNING POINT that I expected to hate after reading James Wolcott's hysterically funny review in Vanity Fair (Black Swan Down), but didn't.  In fact, I couldn't take my eyes off the screen and what ballet dancing it did feature I enjoyed watching along with the Oscar worthy performances of Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis.
  THE FIGHTER - along with The Social Network, it features the best ensemble acting of any year this past year, especially that of Oscar winner (you heard it here first) Christian Bale (for best supporting actor); look for Oscar noms as well for Melissa Leo and Amy Adams for best supporting actress, David O Russell for best director and I think it will grab one for best film too.
  PLEASE GIVE - a terrific little independent film with one of my favs, Catherine Keener, always a delight and terrific here.  So is Oliver Platt as her husband.  Any film with Kenner is good.
  A PROPHET - from France, about gangsters in prison, riveting (have I used that word too much here along with fab?), scary and compelling.  On the edge of my seat for (most of the) 2-1/2 hours.
  INSIDE JOB - a documentary about the financial meltdown of 2008 told in plain, simple English that even a dummy like me could understand and left me at the end angry and ready to throw a brick thru a window at the Treasury Department.  This along with JOAN RIVERS: A PIECE OF WORK were the 2 best documentaries that I saw  this past year.
 That's it, folks.  You will notice that I did not include THE KIDS ARE ALRIGHT or THE KING'S
SPEECH.  The former I liked and Annette Benning may very well win an Oscar for best actress next February but I thought the film was overrated; and Colin Firth will probably take home (and deservedly so) the best actor Oscar for King's Speech, but I found the film a bit too tastefully done and predictable, but sa-sa-sa-sa-sa--sorry, folks, nobody's perfect.

1 comment:

  1. Note to self: whenever reading ANYTHING written by La Litman DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT be drinking any kind of beverage (especially if it's hot) as it will probably come out your nose while laughing hysterically. I now have a ginormous tea stain all over my pants, thank you very much. But to Bob, I actually think you should pony up that $9 'honored guest' ticket price as I gently nudge you in the direction of BARNEY’S VERSION. I cried, I laughed, I was glad I saw it.
