Thursday, January 6, 2011


Let's welcome the 112th Congress and especially the 87 newcomers to the House of Representatives, most of them Republicans and most of them elected thru the support of Tea Party members and a platform calling for major cuts in the Federal bureaucracy and a balanced budget.
There is, in fact, a means of beginning the process to achieving a major reduction in the national deficit:  START BRINGING HOME THE TROOPS FROM IRAQ, AFGHANISTAN AND OTHER COUNTRIES WHERE WE HAVE MILITARY BASES AND CUT THE SHIT OUT OF THE DEFENSE BUDGET.
Of course, this will never happen.  Not with this Congress nor with any of those in the future.  After 9/11, which scared the shit out of most of us, we gave the Prez carte blanche to send American troops all over the globe and to spend as much gelt as he wanted to ensure the safety of all American citizens. 
Bush should have been tried and convicted for lying to the American people and invading Iraq and being responsible as our Commander-in-Chief for the death of hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqi citizens and children.  Obama doesn't have the balls to begin an orderly withdrawal  of troops from Iraq and Afganistan.  Did we learn nothing from Russia's invasion of Afghanistan?  Nope.  We didn't.  If we had we wouldn't be there.  We'd be in Pakistan where the real terrorists thrive.
If I sound cynical, it's because I am.  I have little regard for most politicians, Democrats and Republicans alike (though I loathe more Republicans than Democrats), who are in bed with corporate masters and preoccupied with fund raising activities for their next election campaigns.
It will be politics as usual, even with 87 new House members who will realize soon enough that 'the more things change, the more they stay the same'.
I'll end this little rant by sharing with you a letter to the editor in the Jan 6 Washington Post from Peter P. Cecere of Woodville, Va. in response to an article, "Our Asymmetrical wars":
    "The AF has developed a drone that "can see everything" in Afghanistan, but can it help us Wesrterners tell the good guys from the bad?
    And what good are powerful satellites that can read newspapers from outer space if only a handful of people among the coalition forces can read and understand Arabic or Urdu or any of the other tribal languages beyond the "courtesy level"?
    Our military continues to develop weapons of unimaginable lethality while we are befuddled by ragtag fighters who kill and maim our soldiers with cheap homemade explosive devices.
    All these years and deaths in Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan have given us litle understanding of the futility of these asymmetrical wars."


1 comment:

  1. well said, Robaire . . . let me just add my "right on!" to your rant.
