Sunday, March 6, 2011


    In my last blog about new film openings, I mentioned THE ADJUSTMENT BUREAU and how I planned on passing it up despite a couple glowing reviews in the NY Times and the Washington Post.
I also mentioned that David Denby in The New Yorker didn't care for it and called it a 'downer'.
Well, I saw it and Denby is wrong.  With terrific performances by Matt Damon and Emily Blount who have great chemistry between them and a terrific supporting cast led by Terrence Stamp, the film is both suspenseful and romantic.  It was the perfect film to see on a wet and dreary day in DC town and I recommend it to one and all.
    I also mentioned another film (still playing first run), BARNEY'S VERSION, and said I just couldn't get it up to see it, primarily because Paul Giamatti was playing a romantic lead.  Well, although I did have a slight problem accepting the scenario that 3 beautiful women would fall in love with Giamatti's character, he is so good - brilliant, in fact - that I got over my reservations and loved the film.  He deserved the Golden Globe he won for best actor (comedy/musical) and should have gotten a Oscar nom for best actor as well.  His performance will remain in my memory bank a helluva lot longer than Jeff Bridges' in TRUE GRIT (alright, alright, so I didn't see Bridges' film but I saw the trailer).
   Although BARNEY'S VERSION was released last year, I didn't see it until last week so it will go on my 2011 top films list when I compile it next January along with the Spanish language film I just saw, EVEN THE RAIN.
   So please accept my apologies for leading you astray by suggesting THE ADJUSTMENT BUREAU and BARNEY'S VERSION aren't worth viewing.  I was dead wrong.
   Have a nice day.


  1. I wrote a really long comment and then pushed the wrong goddam key and POOF it was gone. I'll be goddamed if I'm gonna write the whole goddam thing over again. Let's just say:

    I enjoyed the Adjustment Bureau but thought it was essentially si) but not silly masquerading as profound.

    And speaking of silly: I'm truly sick of this "genuine-long-term love at first sight" silliness which I've now suffered through two days in a row - Sunday in Barney's Version and Monday in Adjustment Bureau.


  2. that's not what I said - typo, typo, typo:

    I said "I thought it was essentially silly and I like silly as in the X-Men, but not silly masquerading as profound as in the Adjustment bureau." jeez

  3. Today I'll see The Adjustment Bureau and I'll post my opinion. I have an excellent Suspension of Disbelief ability.
    I shall bring my own candy and's too high!

  4. I totally agree with you, Bobby, the movie kept my attention all the way thru. I didn't realize it was based on a Philip K Dick story until the end.
